About Us

The Give Back Kids was started in September 2016 by, Rene Hanssen. We had always looked for volunteer opportunities to do with our young kids to give back to the community and those in need. Since the choices are slim for those under age 12, we started a group for families with kids of all ages, to get together every few months and learn to volunteer and give back together.
For each volunteer event, we highlight 1-2 local non profit organizations by having our families do projects, drives and services to help support them. Our families also learn what they can do moving forward to help these nonprofits.
Some examples of projects we have done this far include: Making over 1,200 sandwiches for the homeless with The Sandwich Project, creating cards that were sent to soldiers overseas with Operation Gratitude, brought baked goods and thank you cards to the local firefighters, made over 100 “Birthdays in a Box” for children in homeless shelters with Simon Says Give, making cards for terminally ill children with Cards For Hospitalized Kids, packing food for the food shelves at ICA and Feed My Starving Children, making tie blankets for kids at Children’s Hospital, making duffel bags for kids in Foster Care, hosting blanket and book drives for People Serving People.